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What’s The Difference Between A Chiropractor And An Orthopedic Doctor

After you’ve sustained an injury to your neck or back in a car accident, it is crucial to take the correct steps to have your injury assessed, diagnosed, and treated. Our clients often look to us for direction when deciding what type of medical attention can best serve them after an accident. There are a couple of routes you can take but the one you choose is dependent upon factors such as severity of your injury and the effect it can have on creating a case for yourself. Your decision usually comes down to two different (but closely related) branches of the same field: the hands-on and natural approach of a chiropractor or the medical and surgical means of an orthopedic doctor. Most people don’t know the differences between a chiropractor and an orthopedic doctor. It’s important for you to know the distinction and how a Virginia auto accident attorney can help you.

Chiropractor or Orthopedic Doctor, Which is Best for Me?

Over the last 30 years, Chiropractic care has emerged as the largest alternative medical study in the United States. Chiropractors center their practice around the skeletal and muscle systems that are often damaged due to sports, accidents, and other physical strain. It is a patient-centric profession whose doctors value quality time and communication with the people they treat in order to better diagnose the cause of discomfort and pain. Unlike normal MD’s, chiropractors do not prescribe medications or practice surgery. Instead, they take a holistic approach to healing by manually manipulating the affected areas (the areas normally focused on are the spine, neck, and arm and leg joints). This musculoskeletal stimulation is at the core of chiropractic therapy and what gives the practice it’s ‘hands-on’ reputation. A number of our client’s prefer this method as it fosters a closer relationship with their doctor, their injury, and their own body.

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How Do I Decide Who to Visit?

However, visiting a chiropractor is not for every client. For those that wish to take a different route, there are orthopedic doctors that represent a more traditional approach to therapy and treatment. They use physical, medical, and surgical methods to diagnose and restore function to the spine and joints. When necessary, they prescribe medications and use rehabilitation tools like splints, casts, and pins to treat injuries. Orthopedic doctors fulfill a five-year residency program alongside fully licensed physicians and surgeons.

So, what does this mean for you after you’ve been in a car accident? Every injury is different and requires special treatment. The differences between a chiropractor and an orthopedic doctor are significant enough that each will tackle your injury in their own way. If you have a family doctor who you trust, seek their counsel and see what they think is the best option for your pain. Insurance companies have been champions of preventive care and wellness programs so most policies will cover visits to chiropractors and orthopedic doctors. We’ve noticed that clients who sustain low-impact injuries tend to prefer chiropractors while injuries that are more painful and serious require the attention of an orthopedic doctor.

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You Don’t Have to Do Everything Alone

It is crucial to your well being that you seek attention as soon as you notice pain or discomfort. Before you do so, talk to a Virginia auto accident attorney to ensure you get the care and benefits that you’re entitled to. There is no reason why you should suffer long-term pain after your accidents, and we’re here to represent you. Call us at (804) 554-4444 today for a consultation.

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