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If you or a loved one is recovering from a tractor-trailer crash, our Colonial Heights 18-wheeler truck accident lawyers can demand compensation from the parties that caused the accident. You can rest while the Pendleton Law Team works to recover your losses. 

We can also sue negligent parties if your loved one suffered fatal injuries from a commercial truck accident. Our truck accident lawyers serving Colonial Heights can navigate state and federal laws and complex liability issues for you. Call us today for a free, confidential consultation to learn about your legal options and next steps.

Our 18-Wheeler Truck Lawyers Serving Colonial Heights Will Fight for You

The devastation of semi-truck accidents can ripple through victims’ lives, causing catastrophic physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial burdens. They also may face mounting legal battles with trucking companies and insurers that do not want to compensate them for a collision that was not their fault.

Our supportive, compassionate team can help you and your family navigate this difficult and painful chapter. Our personal injury attorneys serving the community of Colonial Heights will take care of your entire case. We will handle your case promptly, managing the phone calls, legal paperwork, filing deadlines, and more while you take care of yourself and your family.

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Call The Personal Injury Lawyer Hotline.

We Take on the Insurance Company So That You Don’t Have to

Dealing with an insurance company after an accident can be daunting and complex. There are many things to navigate, including ensuring you get the opportunity to pursue  compensation. Insurers can minimize claims or deny them outright, even when their policyholder is at fault. 

Our job is to protect your rights and interests. We will challenge lowball settlements from insurance companies looking to protect their bottom lines. We want you to get the money you need to cover your losses, so we will seek maximum financial recovery. 

Let the Heavy Hitters® Take On Your Case 804-250-5050

Recoverable Damages in Truck Accident Cases

Each case’s financial outcome will vary according to its unique circumstances. This is why there is no average settlement for an 18-wheeler accident. However, our team will assess your damages and determine how much your case is worth. 

You could recover economic and non-economic damages such as:

  • Medical expenses (past and future)
  • Rehabilitative therapy fees
  • Lost income for time missed at work
  • Reduced or lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage

Wrongful Death Damages in Fatal 18-Wheeler Truck Collisions

If your loved one did not survive injuries suffered in a big rig crash, please accept our condolences. Our wrongful death lawyers handling cases in Colonial Heights can work to recover damages that compensate the decedent’s survivors and estate.

These damages can include the decedent’s medical care, funeral and burial expenses, and lost income. We can explain how state law governs who can file a wrongful death lawsuit in Virginia and other related matters. Contact the Pendleton Law Team office today for a free consultation.

Central Virginia's Top Rated Personal
Injury Lawyers 804-250-5050

We Will Identify Liable Parties in Your 18-Wheeler Truck Accident

Proving who’s liable for a commercial truck crash is one of the more complicated tasks in these cases. Once we complete our investigation and collect evidence, we can identify who’s at fault for your accident. 

While you know the semi-truck’s driver struck you, multiple parties could be responsible for the collision. These include:

  • The truck driver’s employer
  • The truck’s owner or leasing agency
  • The truck or truck part manufacturer
  • Repair or maintenance crews
  • The cargo-loading crew or freight company
  • A municipality or government entity responsible for the road’s maintenance, signage, or design
  • Another motorist or road user (other drivers, pedestrians)

Let Us Be The Heavy Hitters® For Your Case Speak To An Attorney Now

Evidence Is Key to Proving Your Commercial Truck Injury Case

Before we can hold anyone responsible for their role in your accident, we must prove how their negligence harmed you. Some of the critical evidence that can help your case will be in someone else’s possession, so our team must move quickly to preserve it.

Our 18-wheeler truck attorneys in Colonial Heights can send a spoliation letter to the truck company or another involved party to secure sensitive evidence, such as:

  • The truck’s black box, which records truck speed, braking, engine use, and other data
  • Driving logs that show the trucker’s drive time on the road 
  • The driver’s employment and training records
  • Truck maintenance records and inspection reports
  • Cargo records
  • The truck’s dashboard camera footage
  • GPS data, fuel and toll receipts showing the truck’s route, speed, and stops
  • Cellphone records

We will gather and review all evidence to build your case. Other documentation that can support your claims include:

  • The police report
  • Witness testimony
  • Expert witness testimony
  • Medical records
  • Video footage from the accident scene (if available)

Parties Have a Limited Time to File Truck Accident Lawsuits in VA

We urge you to reach out to our team soon if you want to pursue compensation for a semi-truck collision. Generally, Virginia sets a two-year statute of limitations deadline for plaintiffs who want to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit, per Virginia Code § 8.01-243

This deadline could change if there are exceptions in your situation. We can confirm the deadline in your case after a review. Still, the sooner we hear from you, the sooner we can get to work on your case. We will file it on time and update you about its status.

Call Us Today for Help After an 18-Wheeler Truck Collision in Colonial Heights

When devastating tractor-trailer crashes happen, survivors deserve the opportunity to hold the liable parties accountable. We care about injured victims and work hard to give them legal support that helps them heal and put their lives back together. 

If you or a loved one is seeking representation after an 18-wheeler accident, we can take on your legal fight. Contact the Pendleton Law Team for a free case evaluation. We work on contingency, so you don’t have to pay us anything up front to take your case. We get paid only if you receive a financial award.

The Pendleton Law Team Is Here For You 804-250-5050