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Drug manufacturers are required by law to inform consumers about the side effects of their products. When they fail to do so, an incredible amount of damage can be done. That’s exactly what we’ve seen in the years following the release of Elmiron, a drug prescribed to treat pain caused by a chronic bladder condition.

The manufacturer of Elmiron, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, failed to list vision loss as a possible side effect. As a result, many people have suffered from visual impairment and blindness. If you’re one of those affected by Elmiron use, the legal team of Petersburg personal injury lawyers at Pendleton Law can help you. One of our Elmiron lawsuit lawyers in Petersburg can fight for the compensation you deserve.

When to Contact an Elmiron Lawsuit Attorney

For obvious conditions like blindness in one or both eyes, you’ll want to seek medical attention and legal counsel straight away. But sometimes it can be hard to tell if you’re having Elmiron related vision problems. The brain does such a good job at compensating for visual impairments that it might take you a while to notice that something’s wrong.

Here are some symptoms of retinal damage to keep in mind if you’ve ever been prescribed the Elmiron:

  • Poor night vision
  • Blurred vision
  • Halo vision

More serious symptoms that you should seek treatment and legal counsel for right away include:

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How Much Compensation You Can Receive From a Petersburg Elmiron Lawsuit

Estimating exactly how much your Elmiron lawsuit is worth is a difficult task. That’s because, there have been no settlements or jury verdicts awarded to victims, as the first suit is scheduled to go to court in 2022. Until then, the best way to determine how much your claim is worth is to add up the damages you’ve incurred as a result of your vision loss.

Damages can be separated into two categories. Economic damages can cover any financial loss you’ve been burdened with. Non-economic damages are meant to compensate for losses that are more subjective in nature, like pain and suffering. One of our Elmiron lawsuit attorneys in Petersburg can help you recover the following economic damages:

  • Treatment bills
  • Assistive devices
  • Medication
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity

Depending on the details of your condition, you may be able to receive one or more of the following non-economic damages:

  • Diminished quality of life
  • Emotional distress
  • Pain and suffering

Let the Heavy Hitters® Take On Your Case 804-250-5050

Working With an Elmiron Lawsuit Lawyer From Petersburg

If you choose to work with an Elmiron lawsuit attorney in Petersburg, they’ll help you decide if you should add your claim to the ongoing multidistrict Elmiron litigation, or if you’d be better off filing an individual claim. Once they’ve helped you determine the best course of action, they’ll get started on constructing your claim.

Depending on the severity of your vision loss, you might not be able to get very involved in your claim. If that’s the case, it’s not a problem at all. Your Elmiron lawsuit lawyer will handle the entirety of your claim and update you when necessary. Here’s what your attorney will do to build you a winning claim:

  • Investigate your case. First, your lawyer will need to collect evidence related to your case. They’ll gather medical records, treatment bills, and expert testimony to gain insight into the cause of your visual impairment.
  • Prove liability. Next, your attorney will use the evidence they collected to prove that Janssen Pharmecutical’s failure to list Elmiron’s vision loss side effects was the sole cause of your condition. 
  • Calculate damages. Your attorney will also calculate how much you are owed in damages. They’ll use your treatment bills and pay stubs to determine how much you’re owed for medical expenses and lost income. Calculating damages like reduced earning capacity will require your lawyer to consult with an economic expert. They’ll be able to determine how much income you’ll be barred from receiving in the future. 
  • Demand compensation. Once your Elmiron lawsuit attorney has proved that Janssen is responsible for your vision loss, they’ll work tirelessly to secure the compensation you need to pay your bills and live comfortably.

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Deadline for filing an Elmiron lawsuit in Petersburg

Once your Elmiron lawsuit lawyer has finished building a winning claim for you, they’ll make sure that it’s filed before the legal deadline. According to Va. Code § 8.01-243(A, product liability suits for Elmiron injuries must be filed within two years of the date of a diagnosis.

For instance, if you were diagnosed in spring of 2020, your claim will need to be filed by spring of 2022. This two year timeframe applies to the majority of Elmiron cases, but there are always exceptions. To find out for sure when you need to file by, speak with an attorney. They’ll be familiar with the nuances of Virginia law, and will ensure your claim is filed on time.

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Our Elmiron Lawsuit Attorneys Offer No-Cost Legal Services

Your finances shouldn’t dictate whether or not you receive compensation for your Elmiron-induced injury. That’s why our Elmiron lawsuit attorneys in Petersburg operate on a contingency-fee basis. Under a contingency-fee agreement, your attorney will exchange their services for a percentage of your overall settlement or court verdict.

If you aren’t awarded compensation for your vision loss, you won’t have to draw on your personal savings to cover legal fees. If your case is successful, your lawyer will take approximately one third of your total compensation.

Get in Touch With a Petersburg Elmiron Lawsuit Attorney

If you’re experiencing problems with your vision that you believe are tied to your Elmiron use, it’s time to seek legal counsel. One of our Elmiron lawsuit attorneys in Petersburg can go over your options in a free consultation. They’ll help you determine the best course of action for your situation, and work diligently to win the compensation you deserve.

Get in touch with the team at Christina Pendleton & Associates by filling out the contact form on our website. Our staff will be in touch with you shortly to schedule a time for your free consultation.

The Pendleton Law Team Is Here For You 804-250-5050