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Motorcyclists throughout Virginia have to temper the freedom of a motorcycle with roadway responsibility. Motorcycles are smaller than the average car, meaning that motorists have to be especially careful if they want to avoid an accident. Unfortunately, not every driver on the road has a rider’s best interests at heart. 

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident, you may find yourself contending with expenses inflicted onto you by another person. Let Christina Pendleton & Associates help you navigate through these situations. Our Wytheville motorcycle accident attorneys can represent your best interests in and out of court.

Financially Recovering From a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle accidents are expensive to contend with. That’s why motorcycle accident complaints strive to put your lost money back into your hands. While your insurance claim can help you take care of your immediate needs, a civil claim lets you pursue additional damages.

Replacing Damaged Property

Motorcycle accidents tend to involve a substantial amount of property damage. In most cases, these accidents can severely damage a person’s motorcycle. If you’re a cross-country motorist, you may lose essentials like a computer, camping supplies, and other prized belongings.

When you first go to file your motorcycle accident complaint, you can work with professional witnesses to calculate the full extent of your lost or damaged property. If you need to rent a temporary vehicle or repair damaged belongings, you can file for both those rental fees and the inconvenience you’ve faced.

Contending With Medical Bills

Your medical expenses may vary depending on the severity of your accident. Even so, they can be overwhelming. If you find yourself stressed out by your medical bills, don’t overthink your situation. More than anything, do not forgo essential treatments because you’re afraid of how expensive they may be. Instead, let an attorney know about the trials you’re facing.

You can include all your medical expenses related to a motorcycle accident in your relevant claim. This includes the cost of future surgeries, regardless of when they’re set to take place. Your other relevant medical expenses can include physical therapy, mobility aids, and even the prescriptions needed to control your pain.

Break Down Your Non-Economic Losses

It’s not always easy to understand how non-economic losses play into your case. Because these losses don’t involve damaged property or even physical evidence of loss, you may feel as though your own non-economic damages are negligible.

This is not the case. Your intangible losses can include pain and suffering or long-term emotional trauma. While you can identify these losses with the help of a therapist, they can plague you from the day your accident occurs onward.

To value these losses, you can refer back to previous motorcycle claims filed throughout Virginia. Our team can help you gather up the information needed to submit your estimate. All the while, we’ll explore the other ways you can increase the value of your personal injury case.

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Essential Information for Your Motorcycle Claim

You need more than an estimate of your compensation if you want to file a motorcycle accident claim. When you go to submit your complaint, you’ll need to include other staple pieces of information. This can include:

  • An assertion of liability
  • Evidence backing your assertion of liability
  • A record of your losses related to the motorcycle accident
  • The overall value of the aforementioned losses

You can add evidence to the assertions you’ve made in your original complaint after it carries forward. To initiate your case, though, both you and an attending motorcycle accident lawyer in Wytheville can keep your complaint comprehensive but concise.

Let the Heavy Hitters® Take On Your Case 804-250-5050

Identifying a Liable Party After Your Motorcycle Accident

It isn’t always other drivers who can bear the responsibility for our motorcycle accident. There are other conditions that can impact the safety of the road around you. Similarly, fault on the part of a manufacturer or mechanic can see you direct liability towards those institutions instead of at an individual.

Put another way, some of the parties most often held liable in motorcycle accident cases include:

  • A motorcycle manufacturer
  • A motorcycle mechanic
  • Other drivers on the road
  • Government officials who neglected road maintenance
  • Construction crews

You don’t have to assign liability on your own. Let us do the legwork for you. Our office can connect with allegedly-liable parties and break down faults as it relates to your losses.

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Submitting Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

Once you’ve brought together all your claim’s essential information, you need to submit it to a county clerk. You’ll need to do this within Virginia’s statute of limitations. This statute, Code of Virginia §8.01-243, gives you two years to act on your losses.

If you don’t file your claim within this two-year period, an attorney can’t help you pursue compensation. You can still work with your insurer to secure financial support, but most civil courts will be closed to you. With that in mind, sit down with a motorcycle accident attorney in Wytheville shortly after your accident for the best chance of carrying your claim forward.

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What to Expect After Filing a Claim

So long as you file a claim within Virginia’s statute of limitations, you can expect to communicate with a county clerk or other judicial representatives about your motorcycle accident. That said, complaints do not automatically lead to civil trials.

Instead, most personal injury attorneys encourage injured parties to come to a settlement agreement in negotiations. An attorney can make these negotiations more manageable, especially if the liable party seems aggressive or upset.

Your case will only move to trial if your negotiations fall through. In these cases, you can request that a judge determine what post-accident compensation you may be entitled to.

Let Us Bear the Weight of Your Motorcycle Accident Case

Recovering from a motorcycle accident takes patience. Not only do you have to be patient with the people around you, but you also have to be patient with yourself. Fortunately, Christina Pendleton & Associates knows how to help you through the days following a motorcycle accident. 

Schedule a consultation with one of our motorcycle accident attorneys in Wytheville, VA, and you’ll find yourself in good hands. We can discuss your avenues for financial support without making your post-accident recovery more stressful. For more information about a motorcycle accident case, contact us by phone or through our online form.

The Pendleton Law Team Is Here For You 804-250-5050